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Who did murder young prince?

发表于 2007-12-9 22:22 | 只看该作者

Re: Who did murder young prince?

引用作者 新新土豆 于 2007-12-9发表的原文
[quote]引用作者 雨雪霏霏 于 2007-12-9发表的原文
[quote]引用作者 badminton 于 2007-12-9发表的原文
注意看,狮子在12楼给了小王子213膏。 [M04]


狮子MM够浪漫的呀,派GG的数都充满爱意 [M04][/quote]
8一个,213是啥子意思呀 [M24][/quote]

213 爱一生??
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发表于 2007-12-10 09:30 | 只看该作者

Re: Who did murder young prince?

原来这么早就开始了 [M01]
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发表于 2007-12-10 09:55 | 只看该作者

Re: Who did murder young prince?

引用作者 雨雪霏霏 于 2007-12-9发表的原文
[quote]引用作者 badminton 于 2007-12-9发表的原文
注意看,狮子在12楼给了小王子213膏。 [M04]


狮子MM够浪漫的呀,派GG的数都充满爱意 [M04][/quote]
霏霏对数字真敏感啊!213爱一生! [M01]
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发表于 2007-12-10 11:50 | 只看该作者

Re: Who did murder young prince?

偶觉得banner说的对,PF!!!! [M04] 。再看一遍。
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发表于 2007-12-10 15:38 | 只看该作者

Re: Who did murder young prince?

原来是那时候开始的,只是觉得当时的散步事件增加了 [M34] 的感情,没想到促进力这么大啊,真是战火中结下的缘分,真可谓是革命伴侣啊.喜欢女主角小王子戏剧化的出场,特别是"little girl with a skirt",还应该是white skirt更好,既然把偶们内心深处的八卦小虫都引了出来,就不能再赶回去啊.KL应该积极响应征文的号召,积极交稿!但是要交中文稿,这是替更多关心此事件的 [M34] 要求,当偶读了此文,立刻有了独乐乐,不如众乐乐的感受啊.
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发表于 2007-12-16 23:27 | 只看该作者

Re: Who did murder young prince?

引用作者 King Lion 于 2006-12-28发表的原文
Young prince appeared during revolution time, in the fall of 2004, when all owners in Junjing Garden go out to blame the establishment of Junjing Restaurant. Young prince, who’s still a strange ID at that time, began to appear in our BBS, www.junjing.net.

Two years passed, I can’t remember what exact words he had stated, the only impression in my memory is his toughness. Don’t be fooled by his present gentle words or pictures. At that time, from his speech, you must think he’s a guy who would stab others whenever and wherever. Yes, fierce, evil, bold, tough, that’s the description for this ID at that time.

I like to make friends with bad guy. Reason? Come on, guy, do you need a reason for the gangster would like to stay with bad guy? It’s the nature. I’m honest and never wanna cover my real identity. Yes, I’m bad as you wanna be and dislike to stay with the good.

What the hell will the good do? Sure, the good won’t betray you, won’t hurt you, won’t fool you, but can he help you indeed? The person who even couldn’t protect his own interest, will you belive he would protect you? Or you wanna belive the person who’s like a sheep, some words stated in the Bible, whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also? You must be crazy if you say yes.

The bad guy is different. Surely they’ll hurt you but the reason is terriibly simple, you’re weaker than them, right? Have you seen any bad guy would be bold enough to challenge the strong? Certainly not! So it’s easy to know how to communicate with the bad, more easy than with the good. However, the bad owns the power to hurt someone, maybe you, may someone else. The bad will hurt you rival if the rival is his rival too. Hence, you can find the bad is more reliable than the good. It’s my philosophy.

I needn’t cover my real thought. In 2004, I want to fight and need power, power from many other tough guys. So I’m very glad to see there’s such a bad guy in this garden. I’ll call him brother and use his power to reach my aim. That’s my perfect plan.

Some time, the plan can’t be performed in practice.

One night in the fall of 2004, I’m talking with viola in front of ICBC. She mentioned that young prince and helen will come here to deliver some documents. Great, I can know a brother and will use his power in the future. I won’t let any opportunity flee, I’m a genius.

A little girl with a skirt is walking towards to viola. Jesus, viola really know a lot of guys here, seems anyone would say hello to her and our conversation is often interupted. The little girl seems very quiet, shy and cautious. I bet she dare not leave her home alone, hahaha

Suddenly I heard viola to speak to the girl, “young prince!” What? What the hell did it happen? Will this little girl be my tough brother? My God! Don’t make such a joke with me! Forget the knife now, I bet she even couldn’t raise a stick. God as my witness, I can’t see any toughness from her!

I even don’t ask viola for an introduction before her leaving because I’m completely dissapointed. My tough brother, that evil and firece one in my impression, pass away forever, and the murderer is this little girl.

Hell! Someone will blame I’m bullshtting. How can a person end him/herself? Come on, have you learned history? Master Yoda has stated Lord Darth Vader had killed Anakin Skywalker, do you want to blame Yoda is a liar? What? You don’t know what I’m talking about? You go to hell then. I won’t keep talking with a piggy who had never watched Star Wars.

[M21] [M21] [M21] 就冲着英文,我佩服下楼主!
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